Customized Holistic Facial Treatment | $225

60 minutes

The quintessential holistic experience. After a thorough consultation, we will provide a fully customized experience to cater to all your specific needs, focusing on areas of concern with true intention. This treatment is purifying, balancing, and restores a beautiful glow. Liliway incorporates a variety of techniques depending on the state of your skin and desired results. You can expect combination of few of this techniques:

  • Precise massage is used in synergy with nourishing oil serums to encourage the natural cleansing of skin’s tissues, as fine lines are soothed and smoothed.

  • Combining energetic skincare products and the Biodraineur (biorhythmic drainer) stimulates fluids and eliminates impurities to lift, firm and tone the skin. 

  • An acupressure with blends of natural energetic essential oils treat and balance the skin according to the condition or energetic season (according to the 5-Element Theory of Chinese medicine) as it balances your state of well-being. Facial tissues are de-stressed. Pores are purged and refined. 

  • Gua Sha Stone or face wand may also be utilized to achieve your most vibrant skin. 

This personalized treatment brings clarity to the complexion, allowing tissues to heal, rejuvenate and drawing out an unmistakable glow. ** For any skin type. No extractions. 


what product is right for

Schedule a professional consultation that helps identify your specific skin concerns and we’ll formulate a bespoke treatment plan just for you.

Enjoy 10 % off your first facial if you book after your skin consultation.