Biodraineur Body Treatment |  $275-$360

One Area of Concern: $275 / 60 min

Full Body: $360 / 90 min

Melt away excess fluids, toxins, and stress by pampering your skin from head to toe. Bodywork illuminates and balances vital energy. Biodraineur (biorhythmic drainer), a non-invasive technology that mimics the gentle movement of a hand massage, works in synergy with personalized combination of algae extract, serums, and clays.

Your skin will feel like silk. Your body is lifted, toned, and firmed. This specialized treatment improves cellulite, metabolism, and blood circulation. It is beneficial for any stage of life you are in, whether you are trying to lose weight, or looking to improve overall skin texture and appearance.

The face and body are deeply connected. By caring for the whole body, you will restore natural rhythms and achieve your healthiest skin yet. 

**Any skin type.


what product is right for

Schedule a professional consultation that helps identify your specific skin concerns and we’ll formulate a bespoke treatment plan just for you.

Enjoy 10 % off your first facial if you book after your skin consultation.