The Importance of Daily Sun Protection

Taking care of your skin and protecting it from the elements should always be a priority, but during the summer months, many people are more conscious about how the sun affects their skin.

We all know to lather on the sunscreen before heading to the beach or spending a day at the pool, but what about if you are simply out running errands on an overcast day? Believe it or not, applying a sunscreen is still important and can help protect you from the sun’s harmful rays.

While sun and skin protection is still at the forefront of your mind, we want to take advantage of this opportunity to share the importance of implementing sun protection into your daily routine as well as what you should be looking for in a skin protection product.

Women with Facial Cream on Their Cheek_Liliway Holistic Studio

Why Apply Sunscreen Daily?

Reduce the Risk of Sunburn

The most obvious reason to wear sunscreen, and why many of us choose to apply it before spending a significant amount of time in the sun, is that it helps reduce the risk of sunburn. Not only is getting a sunburn painful and uncomfortable in the present, it can also cause long-term skin damage.

Prevent Premature Signs of Aging

According to Yale Medicine, “dermatologists refer to the damage the sun does to the skin by several names, including photoaging, photodamage, solar damage, or sun damage.”

This damage can cause signs of premature aging including discoloration in the form of sun spots and dark spots as well as break down collagen in the skin that can lead to lines, sagging, and wrinkles. 

What Type of Sun Protection Product is Best?

At Liliway Holistic Studio, we value each of our client’s uniqueness and understand that everyone’s skin type and personal preferences may differ. However, we want to share a few basic guidelines to help you find the right sun protection product for you.

The Difference Between Chemical and Physical Sunscreens

When it comes to sunscreen, there are essentially two types available: chemical and physical.

In a chemical sunscreen, both the sunscreen and the sun’s rays get absorbed into the skin. Once the harmful UVA and UVB rays come in contact with the chemicals in the sunscreen, they are deactivated. The issue with this is that the chemicals that are typically used in this type of sunscreen (benzones, aminobenzoic acid, and cinnamates) can be irritating to the skin.

On the other hand, a physical sunscreen sits on the skin’s surface and instead uses inorganic compounds such as titanium dioxide or zinc oxide to reflect the sun’s rays away from the skin. Because of this, a physical sunscreen is less likely to cause irritation.

Soleil Toujours, a sunscreen product we recommend, says, “physical block/mineral sunscreens have the best safety profile of today’s choices. They are stable in sunlight and do not appear to penetrate the skin. They offer UVA protection, which is sorely lacking in most of today’s sunscreen products.”

Liliway Holistic Studio is all about helping you feel beautiful in your own skin, so protecting it now can make all the difference in preventing further damage. We offer customized facials that rejuvenate the skin and help restore its natural glow, helping you heal from the inside out.

To learn more about the services we offer, contact us or visit our website today to schedule a free consultation!


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